Mercury thermometer

You must drop it off at a tip, return it to a store when buying an identical product, or benefit from the proximity service « Relais Tri Mobile » (Mobile Sorting Centre). These old mercury models are very high pollutants and are taken in charge by chemists for processing.

For private individuals, access to tips in the CAP AZUR network is free of charge for up to 3 tons per year.
Deposits at the Mobile Sorting Centre are limited to 1 metre in length, 200 litres and 30 kg.

Consult the Mobile Sorting Centre calendar

Find your voluntary drop-off point


Syringe, needle

Ask your pharmacy for a yellow box. When you have filled it, take it back to the pharmacy that gave it to you. Potentially infectious clinical waste is hazardous waste. Above all, it must not be disposed of in the same way as classic household waste. Under no circumstances will healthcare waste be accepted by the tip.

Find your voluntary drop-off point



You can drop them off at a tip or benefit from the proximity service « Relais Tri Mobile » (Mobile Sorting Centre). Hospitals also provide collection points for X-rays, along with certain pharmacies.

For private individuals, access to tips in the CAP AZUR network is free of charge for up to 3 tons per year.
Deposits at the Mobile Sorting Centre are limited to 1 metre in length, 200 litres and 30 kg.

Consult the Mobile Sorting Centre calendar

Find your voluntary drop-off point